SimpleBiz360™ Podcast
The SimpleBiz360™ Podcast focuses on inspiring continuous improvement. Our content features "One Minute One Question" shorts, interviews, and monologues designed to ignite contemplation, and action.
292 episodes
Imagine what your business would look like if you became a Doctor of Details? OMOQ #30
Getting into the weeds of business details is not sexy, or fun. However, customers love vendors that do the gardening to ensure seamless transactions. What say you?
Episode 30
How are you using situational observations to improve your business? OMOQ #29
As we do life, continuous improvement ideas are all around us. How often do you dissect a situational observation, and then relate it to improving your business practices?
Episode 29
How many invoices is your company not sending? OMOQ #28
Not sending invoices is a spotty illness that affects many small, medium, and large businesses. Maybe this is the perfect time to do an invoice audit at your company. You might be surprised with the results!
Episode 28
What if an appetite for continuous improvement could change your profitability? OMOQ #27
Calculated profitability is usually much different than what actually hits the bottom line. Is it time for your company to investigate, and correct costly variances?
Episode 27
Does Your Company Have a Uniqueness That Stands Out Amongst the Competition? OMOQ #26
Customers get sick of the same old…same old. Price…quality…delivery…blah…blah…blah! Consumers want differentiation, and they will pay for uniqueness. What attributes separate your company from the pack of competitors?
Episode 26
How Does Your Company Prove That Product and Service Claims Are True? OMOQ #25
Many customers see through false, and exaggerated claims. Becoming a truth detective is a common practice for consumers who have been burned too often. How does your company prove claims?
Episode 25
What Does It Cost Your Business When You Betray Customers? OMOQ #24
Bad transactional experiences often result with customer defections. Are potential repeat customers never coming back for seconds? If so, how are you going to fix it?
Episode 24
Are Sincere Apologies Part of Your Customer Service Mindset? OMOQ #23
Humility is a trait that customers don’t often see from companies. How often do you eat some humble pie, and actually apologize to a customer when you made a mistake?
Episode 23
Would Customers Describe Your Company as Careful, or Careless? OMOQ #22
The epicenter of the Experience Economy is how well we respect customer time. To be good stewards of customer time, we must be doctors of detail, and we need to put customer needs above our own. How do customers score your level of care?
Episode 22
Is Your Customer Service Managed by Personality, or Process? OMOQ #21
The Experience Economy begs companies to understand what customers want, need, and deserve. If we believe this, then why do so many companies operate without customer service protocols, or training?
Episode 21
How Often Do You Sweep Business Issues Under the Rug for Someone Else to Deal With? OMOQ #20
Systemic problems often have roots in unmanaged issues. Sometimes this becomes a pattern that appears in many areas of the business. How is this affecting your customers? Better yet, how is this affecting your bottom line?
Episode 20
Do You Ever Avoid Managing an Issue Because You Think It Will Lead to Confrontation? OMOQ #19
Out of fear, leaders often select to ignore tricky situations. Why? Because they mislabel the mess as a possible confrontation, when in reality, the adversity is an opportunity to put management skills to work!
Episode 19
Does Your Company Promote a Different Experience Than It Delivers? OMOQ #18
How often does your company check to see if marketing, social media, sales, and service are on the same page? In other words, does the picture in your menu match what the kitchen delivers?
Episode 18
Does Corporate Internal Language Match Customer-Facing Language? OMOQ #17
Is your company casting a cryptic net by confusing customers with internal jargon they are unfamiliar with? If so, then maybe it’s time to get everyone on the same page!
Episode 17
Are You Treating Problems as Improvement Opportunities in Disguise? OMOQ-16
Companies often search high, and low for ways to improve. Sometimes, theanswers are in broad daylight!
Episode 16
Are You Transferring Too Many Transactional Task Loads to Customers? OMOQ-15
Often times companies lighten their hourly workloads by casting time-consuming responsibilities over to customers. Are you sure this is the type of customer experiences you want to create?
Episode 15
How Can You Simplify the Customer Buying Process? OMOQ-14
Buyers appreciate companies that make their jobs easier. What are some of the ways your company can streamline the buying process for your customers?
Episode 14
Imagine the Benefits of Seeing Your Company in Slow Motion? OMOQ-13
Professional sports use slow motion technology to assist with accurately analyzing gametime activity. Imagine the improvement opportunities businesses could uncover by seeing transactional activities in slow motion?
Episode 13
How Do You Teach, Train and Coach the Art of Saying Thank You? OMOQ-12
How does your corporate culture teach, train and coach associates on delivering sincere customer gratitude? Should leaders leave expressions of appreciation up to chance, or certainty?
Episode 12
Is Thanking Customers a Mindset of Your Corporate Culture? OMOQ-11
This one-minute question invites you to double check your stated expectations, against what the customer actually experiences. Do they match up? Do they marry with each other? Do they connect?
Episode 11
Are Your Deliverables Matching What You Promoted? OMOQ-10
This one-minute question invites you to double check your stated expectations, against what the customer actually experiences. Do they match up? Do they marry with each other? Do they connect?
Episode 10
Does Your Business Communicate Expectations to Customers? OMOQ-9
Today we zip through a 60-second challenge asking you to be the customer. Simply ask yourself, as the customer, do I clearly understand the what, when, where, and how this transaction is happening?
Episode 9
How Often Do You Ask Sales and Service Personnel for Improvement Ideas? OMOQ-8
The Sales Force, and Customer Service Department interact with customers more than any other personnel, yet their input is often ignored in board room planning sessions. How often does your company use ideas from the teams who deal with your cu...
Episode 8
How Often Do You Learn from Customers? OMOQ-7
When was the last time you asked a customer what they did not appreciate about doing business with your company? This OMOQ installment invites you to discover customer-pleasing corrections, simply by consistently asking customers a loaded quest...
Episode 7
Are You a Business Streaker or Results Finisher? OMOQ-6
We spend this next minute questioning the consistency of seeing things through to the end. Are you streaking customer projects to the twenty-yard line, and then disappearing for a few days, forcing customers to poke you, nudge you, and tug at y...
Episode 6